Beth Stedman

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Roundup From Around The Web: Prayer

I do a lot of blog hopping most days and find I usually discover a lot of very interesting people with very challenging thoughts as well as discovering a number of very helpful and informative web sites. Some of the blogs that I read regularly put out weekly roundups of links to sites and articles that they found interesting and want to share so I decided to start doing this too - maybe daily, or weekly, or maybe just biweekly…depending on how much I’m finding any given week. So, we’ll see how it goes.

This first “Roundup From Around The Web” I will just take the opportunity to share with you some sites on prayer (sticking with the topic from the previous post).

 Sacred Space - this site is a simple but helpful prayer guide that I have used off and on for the past few years to help me focus my prayers. It is also offered in a number of different languages.

World Prayers - this is a site I recently discovered that contains a collection of prayers from a variety of different traditions, religions and cultures. It’s definitely not Christian per say but I think it is interesting and helpful and I have found a number of prayers on this site that have challenged and encouraged me.

 Northumbria Community Prayers - I shared a link to this site in my first blog about Lent but I share it again because I think it is a very helpful guide to prayer and a helpful structure for taking time out of every day to come before God in prayer.

Lectio Divina - all about the art and practice of Lectio Divina – which is a practice of praying and meditating on scripture and listening to God through the Word. More information on Lectio Divina can be found here.

Tara's blog - I’ve shared this blog often in the past but I have to share it again because she is a dear friend and her recent blogs on prayer have been a continual challenge and light to me.

Hope you enjoy these sites J And that God uses them in your life as He has in mine.

Rejoicing in the journey - Beth Stedman