Beth Stedman

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Round Up From Around The Web: Leadership and some other stuff

Once again it’s time for a round up from around the web edition J Now that we are back in Prague and starting to settle back into a routine (though it has been thrown off a bit by the jet lag) I have been able to catch up on some of the blogs I like to read and I found that there has been some very interesting blog entries while I was disengaged from the blogosphere.

We’ll start with Godspace. I actually wasn’t as behind on her blog because she hasn’t been writing much lately due to being involved in a new change of direction that the Mustard Seed Association is taking. She talks about it in this blog called Quaker Discernment. I found the blog very interesting – I like the idea of decisions being made in community, but it does sound messy to me and I think I would find it very difficult in practice. But, I think that if you are going to say that you value community and people and that you believe that God can speak to anyone and through anyone then it is important to show that through your actions and not just talk about it.  It’s an interesting blog and I encourage you to check it out. Another blog that I found interesting on Christine’s site today was this one talking about how the FDA has approved cloned meat as being safe to eat. I personally found this interesting partly because I have very little faith in the FDA and if they say something is ok then I’m likely to think they are wrong (they have made a lot of mistakes before). I also find this interesting because I have a chemical sensitivity and am allergic/sensitive to a number of different foods. I struggle enough with my health and with finding healthy safe foods for me to eat – I don’t need another thing to worry about when buying food or eating out at restaurants.

Another blog that I found really interesting also related to leadership and decision making in the church but in a more specific and detail oriented way then Christine Sine’s blog. It was this blog entry by Kingdom Grace called The Missing APEs.The blog is a discussion of this article  in Leadership Journal written by Alan Hirsch. I found Grace’s comments on the article and the story she shared of her own experience to be very interesting and enlightening. I found both Alan Hirsch’s original article and Kingdom Grace’s blog about it very helpful and challenging and they gave me new language to think of leadership in and I always like when people can give me words for expressing my thoughts and experiences.

In reading through Kathy Escobar’s blog, The carnival in my head, I came across this blog. The prayer in it really resonated with me.

Ok, that’s it for now. Enjoy!

Rejoicing in the journey - Beth Stedman