Beth Stedman

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Update on my disappearance from the Blogosphere

It’s official – I dropped off the face of blog world lately and I miss it. Yeah, I’m officially “addicted” to the blogosphere. I checked my google reader today and had over 800 un-read blogs, sad. I miss you all. And I realized today that my own blog was in serious need of attention. What’s frustrating is that I have more blog ideas bouncing around my head than ever, but now that I have so many ideas I have no time to write them. Oh, well, such is life, right?

So, here’s the quick update. Bryan and I have had one crazy week so far in the states. I don’t think we’ve ever had a trip like this. It’s felt like we’ve had something planned or someone we needed to see almost every minute of the day, and when we didn’t have something going on here we had a list of things we had to do to deal with our Seattle condo, our taxes, business stuff in Prague, family drama, and the Advent art exhibit (which I’m dying to write more about since we have a location and name and all now and I’m so excited, but I’ll have to tell you all about it later).  Needless to say the trip hasn’t been as restful as I’d hoped, but God is gracious and he’s given us exactly the strength and the little moments of encouragement that we need for each day.

In other exciting, but semi-emotional news my sister is pregnant! She and my sister-in-law are both due around the same time in May. I’m excited that I’m going to have another niece or nephew, but I am still in a bit of shock that my younger siblings will soon have 5 kids between them – so crazy!

Alright, so that’s the really quick update. We miss all you Praguer’s and I miss all you bloggers (I really didn’t mean for that to rhythm)!!! Hope to see everyone soon.

Rejoicing in the journey - Bethany Stedman