Beth Stedman

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Another Spring Inspired Recipe: Asparagus Egg Drop Soup

A few nights ago I had planned on making a fairly elaborate dinner to share with my hubby, but the day got away from me and when I finally stood in the kitchen to make dinner I knew I didn’t have time for the meal I had planned. I was at a total loss for what to make. My son was in bed, my husband was still working in the other room and I was starving. I opened the fridge and spotted some white asparagus and homemade chicken broth and before I knew it I was creating this soup. It was easy and simple, but it turned out great! And it made me feel like it was spring time even though it’s been cold and rainy here all week. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Asparagus Egg Drop Soup:

4-8 cups of Chicken Stock (I used homemade) 1 bundle of Asparagus 1 cup (or so) of green peas 1-3 onion (depending on how big they are - mine were really small so I used three) 1 tablespoon coconut oil 2-3 eggs Fresh chopped parsley (about a handful or so) salt and pepper

Melt the coconut oil in a pot and add onion. Sauté until soft and a bit translucent then add the peas and asparagus and sauté until just slightly softened. Pour in the Chicken stock (add some water if you want more soup or if you don’t have enough chicken stock). Let it all simmer until the peas and asparagus are cooked. Meanwhile crack the eggs into a small bowl and whisk them, then slowly pour them into the simmering broth, stirring constantly. Allow the eggs to cook for about a minute or so then season the soup with the fresh parsley, salt and pepper and serve.

We enjoyed this with some homemade sourdough bread – so yummy!

Rejoicing in the journey - Bethany Stedman

This post has been entered in the Real Food Wednesday blog carnival at Kelly the Kitchen Kop. Check out the link for lots of other great posts.