Beth Stedman

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Admiration Mondays: Jenny at Nourished Kitchen

Quite a while back I did a regular series called Admiration Mondays and each Monday I wrote about someone that I admire. Today I’m bringing that back. I want to tell you about someone I admire: Her name is Jenny and she’s the genius behind Nourished Kitchen.

I don’t know Jenny. In fact I don’t even know her last name, but right now she is someone I deeply admire for a number of reasons.

First, I deeply admire her food philosophy. Jenny is writes about and advocates Real Food – sustainable, unprocessed, traditionally prepared, whole foods. When I first heard about the Real/Traditional Food Movement it just made sense to me and in many ways Bryan and I already ate a primarily real food diet without even realizing it. But, it was Jenny and her beautiful site that helped me to see that there was a whole world of health and real food preparation that I had only dipped my toes in. Hers was the first real food blog that I discovered. She gave me the information and the courage I needed to start soaking, souring and sprouting our grains. She gave me the motivation to try and find natural, real food sweeteners here in the Czech Republic. She gave me the inspiration I was looking for when it came time to start feeding my son solid foods. There are a lot of truly wonderful real food bloggers out there (Kelly the Kitchen Kop, Food Renegade, Nourishing Days, The Nourishing Cook and Kitchen Stewardship are just a few examples that come to mind and I’ve learned so much from each one), but, for me, Jenny will always seem like the Queen of Real Food.

Second, I really admire her blog itself and how she seems to approach blogging. She writes quality posts with beautiful pictures. Her site is clean, easy to navigate, and beautifully designed. She has great branding – I really love the Nourished Kitchen logo. Her site isn’t cluttered with ads, but I know that she does make some profit from her blog, which I think is great and she really deserve its. I also love that she gives away some of what she makes from the blog to a food related charity or organization advocating real food.  I really admire her blog. It’s an inspiration to me and I’m sure to many other bloggers out there as well. I’m quite certain that my blog will never be on par with Jenny’s, but it’s still my “shoot-for-the-moon” bench mark for the place I would dream about my blog becoming.

There are a lot of admirable people in the blogosphere and a lot of admirable bloggers out there, but Jenny at Nourished Kitchen holds a special place in my heart, so I just had to share her with you today.

Rejoicing in the journey - Bethany Stedman