Beth Stedman

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Scenes From My Life: Photo Shoot

I love taking pictures. It's my art form of choice. But, having my picture taken is usually not so fun for me. I realized recently though that due to my dislike for having my picture taken (and the fact that I'm usually the one behind the camera) we have very few pictures of my husband and son and I all together. So, this week for my birthday (last last Wednesday) I asked my sister-in-law to take some nice family pictures for us. We had a great time hiking through the forest in Hawaii and finding beautiful spots for pictures. Today I thought I'd just share just a few of my favorite pictures with you all (note though that these are all unedited since I don't have my editing software on this computer).








It was a great birthday. Laughing with my hubby and my baby and capturing a fun time exploring on camera. Thanks Aunt Tam for these great birthday pictures!

Rejoicing in the journey - Bethany Stedman