Beth Stedman

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With My Baby Close to My Heart, I Babywear

With my baby close to my heart, I walk the street.With my baby close to my heart, I fold the laundry. With my baby close to my heart, I eat a sandwich. With my baby close to my heart, I pick up the toys, singing all the while. With my baby close enough to kiss, he nurses. With my baby close enough to kiss, he dreams. With my baby close enough to kiss, he coos, and I smile. With my baby close to my heart, he is at peace. With my baby close enough to kiss, I am free. I wear my baby close to my heart. I wear my baby close enough to kiss.


This week is International Babywearing Week. Happy Babywearing, friends!!


Check out these links for more information about babywearing and International Babywearing Week:

Code Name: Mama writes a great overview about babywearing and International Babywearing Week.

Here is a Scientific paper written by Dr. Mara Blois all about the benefits of babywearing.

When the Watchdog Goes Awry: The CPSC’s Misguided Assault on Slings is a helpful article explaining the CPSC’s recall of sling baby carriers.

This post gives great information on babywearing safety and also wonderfully helpful recommendations on which baby carriers are best.


Rejoicing in the journey - Bethany Stedman