Beth Stedman

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Blushing Pilgrim: A Holiday Cocktail Recipe

I’m really excited about the holidays this year. Maybe because I feel like I missed out on them a little bit last year. Bryan and I spent Christmas in a hospital room, away from our kids, away from most of our family. It was what we needed to do last year, and we made the best of it, we really did. We decorated our room. We played christmas records on a portable record player. We did what we could. But, it still wasn’t the same.

Last year I carried so much pressure around the holidays. I really feared that it would be Bryan’s last Thanksgiving and Christmas and that fear made me act a little crazy.

This year feels different.

I am not approaching Thanksgiving and Christmas carrying that same fear. This may be Bryan’s last Thanksgiving and Christmas, it could be any of our last Thanksgiving and Christmas, but I’m not going to carry that. I’m not going to put that kind of pressure on myself or others. I’m not living in that fear anymore.

And this year the holiday season can’t seem to get here fast enough. I’m excited. Not with a nervous, it-has-to-be-perfect, kind of excitement, but just with a genuinely open feeling of anticipation.

I started listen to Christmas music today. And I am not ashamed to admit it.

And as part of this excitement I decided to create my own signature cocktail for the holiday season, using the homemade cranberry bitters and cranberry liquor that I told you about yesterday.

So, here it is. Let me introduce you to the Blushing Pilgrim. Enjoy!


Blushing Pilgrim

1/2 shot glass Cranberry liquor

1 shot glass whiskey (I used rye whiskey)

1-2 dashes of cranberry bitters (I used two because I like it a little more bitter and a little less sweet)

1 teaspoon orange marmalade (if you like it sweeter you could use 2 teaspoons)

Put all ingredients in a shaker. Add ice and shake. Pour in a martini glass and enjoy.


Now, who wants to come over and have one with me?

Rejoicing in the journey, Bethany