Beth Stedman

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WHEELS4SAGE: A 72 hour online auction

Eeeek! Every once in a blue moon an idea comes together so smoothly and perfectly that it makes you squeal with delight. That is this idea.

Last week, after I had a melt down about not having a way to get Sage’s power chair to and from school (which you can read about here), I thought, “What if we do an auction to raise money for Sage’s wheelchair accessible van? We know a lot of amazing people doing pretty cool things, maybe we could get people to donate towards an auction for Sage…”

I started slowly reaching out to people one at a time and was overwhelmed by the positive responses we got. Not only did almost everyone respond positively, but we also had friends tell other friends who wanted to donate things or services as well.

So, here’s what we’re doing…

A 72 hour online auction with all the best people.

To raise money towards a wheelchair accessible van for Sage.

Seriously, every time we hear back from a friend saying they will donate something Bryan and I look at each other and say, “I want that.” Many of the things up for auction are from dear friends of ours who are not only incredibly talented, but also have the biggest kindest hearts. We love these people and we are so excited to get to share them and their work with all of you!

You aren’t going to want to miss this.

We’re going to run the auction right here at — but if you click the link now it will just be a placeholder. The auction page won’t be open to the public until bidding begins.

Bidding will open on August 23th at noon (PST) and close at noon (PST) on August 26th. Bids will be made by commenting with the amount you want to bid on the post of the item you want. The highest bid at the close of the auction will win the item. If you win, I’ll contact you to collect your bid and then connect you with the person/company donating the item so you can claim it.

I hope you’re as excited as I am and that you will help us make Sage’s life (and ours) more mobile and accessible.

Grace and peace,

P.S. - If you have something you want to donate for the auction, it’s not too late! Use the contact form on this site to send me an email and we’ll talk.

P.S.S. - Would you consider sharing about the auction with your friends, social followers, family, neighbors, and strangers on the street? We want to spread the word as much as possible so we can reach this goal. EDIT: You can find tools for sharing (images, social cards, fliers, and more) HERE. :) Or just jump on in using #wheels4sage