Another crazy idea: Life Studio

So, sometimes I get in these crazy day dreams. My mind starts to wander and I come up with these full blown ideas that are so big that even as I’m dreaming them I know they will never come to be. Lately I’ve had a lot of that... so recently I was thinking about the various people I know in my life here in Prague and about different things that some of them have told me they would love to do someday if they could (from hosting prayer retreats and counseling people, to building an arts community and teaching art classes, to having a café or coffee house) and I was thinking about some of the things I have recently been dreaming about and hoping for lately (having a yoga studio). Then I started thinking about The School of Life in London. And then my thoughts just took off and I started thinking about a place that could be sort of like the School of Life but could fit my specific community here in Prague and combine all the gifts and passions of the people around me. Anyway, the following write up is the result of that day dream… just thought I’d share another of my crazy day-dreaming schemes with all of you J enjoy…

Life Studio

Life itself is an art form and like any other art form it is strengthened by time spent in the studio. That’s what the Life Studio is all about – we want to provide a place and community for you to deepen and strengthen your greatest art form, life itself. A studio is different than a classroom – it’s all about experience. Everything we offer here at the Life Studio is experiential. We want to give you a place where you can join with both masters of a subject and with others who are at your same place so that through hands-on experiences you can find healing and growth for your whole life. We recognize that different people have different needs and are at different places in their lives so we offer a variety of different studios all under one roof. Wonder through our art gallery, featuring art work from our various studio classes. Come sit in our organic, fair-trade café and talk to one of our studio specialists. Flip through our brochure and pick out classes and experiences that will be just right for your current needs. Here are a few ideas on what we offer:

-          Coaching and counseling sessions (private or group)

-          Yoga studio

-          Nutritional consultations and personal fitness instruction

-          Photography studio

-          Pottery studio

-          Painting studio

-          Couples counseling

-          Marriage retreats

-          Book club and various other discussion groups

-          Community service events (including a weekly soup kitchen hosted by our café)

That is just a taste of the many opportunities we offer to help you develop your life into a true and free work of art.

Ah… to dream… *smile* sigh*

Rejoicing in the journey - Bethany