
I have some good news for you all…

You see, as a few of you know, I applied to join Christian Associates International’s church planting team here in Prague a little while back. And on Sunday I was officially approved and accepted onto the team.

This process of applying and being approved has, itself, been filled with a lot of back and forth in my heart. I have already had to work through a lot of fear and self doubt, but because I have faced those fears and doubts and uncertainties I can now say with full clarity that joining this team is exactly what God is calling me to at this stage in my life. I have no doubt now that He wants me here, at this time with this group of people. And that He has a purpose and place for me on this team that he has been preparing for me (even if that purpose and place still seems a little vague).

I will write more about Christian associates and this church and what my specific role on the team will be later, but for now it’s enough to just tell you that I have been approved and invite you to celebrate this new transition in my life with me. My heart is thankful.

Thank you, Lord Jesus. For showing me the next step in the road. For leading me to this new place, and this new opportunity. Thank you for bringing me to Prague and for guiding me to this particular church and community – I love these people so much and I pray that you would make me to be a good support for each of them. Lord, thank you for bringing some little clarity to all the uncertainty of my life lately. Thank you for providing a place for me. In Jesus name, Amen.

Rejoicing in the journey - Bethany