A Quick Peek Into A Family Tradition

This past weekend my sister-in-law got married and that meant there was lots of
family in town for the wedding. It was fun to catch up with so many people from bryan's extended family on both his mom and dads side.
One of the events from the weekend was a very traditional Armenian BBQ with Bryan's mom's family - which meant lamb kabobs, along with LOTS of other food, and of course lots of vodka. It also meant Bryan's grandpa and great uncle telling stories, papa quoting Limericks in German and plenty of funny and meaningful advice for the bride and groom. It was an experience to say the least.
I didn't take many pictures during wedding week, but this was one event that
I'm glad I got a chance to pull my camera out for, even if I didn't get that many pictures.
Heres a little peek into this family tradition...
Here's Thaddeus having fun with his great uncle Geoff:
Here's Blake and Papa working on the kabobs
Here's the guys grilling and generally enjoying life
And the boys scolding the girls and saying that it was a boys only time
Thaddeus wanted to get in on the drinking action with the boys - here he is blowing bubbles in his milk
Here's the beautiful bride - this pictures my favorite
Papa gave a great toast filled with funny stories and great advice
And we'll end with the adorable couple listening to the toast
Fun times were definitely had by all.
Rejoicing in the journey - Bethany Stedman