“I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say. ”
— Flannery O'Connor
Posts in Thoughts on business
The Best Way to Succeed
quotes/verses/sayings, random, Thoughts on business, Thoughts on RelationshipsBethany Stedmanadvice, helping, helping others, helping others succeed, quick success, quickest way to Succeed, quote, random thoughts, succeed, success, Thoughts on business, Thoughts on Relationships, tidbits, way to succeed
Valuing Yourself and Your Work
Personal disclosures, Thoughts on businessBethany StedmanBody of Christ, contributing to the body, degrading, devaluing, fear of pride, humility, image of God, low self-esteem, parable of the talents, pride, proud, self worth, self-esteem, skilled, skills, talented, talents, truthfulness, valuable, value, valuing your work, valuing yourself, work
Random Ramblings on Consumerism, Envy, and Greed
Personal disclosures, Philanthropy/Giving, Thoughts on business, thoughts on ChristianityBethany Stedmanadvertising, Consumerism, control, Corporate America, desire, envy, grasp, greed, human nature, selfishness, want
The Identity/Personality of a City
church and worship, Thoughts on business, thoughts on ChristianityBethany Stedmanbusiness, church, citites, identitiy of a city, ministry, missions, personality of a city, sin of a city