“I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say. ”
— Flannery O'Connor
Posts tagged Christian marriage
Marriage: A Picture of God's Love
Guest Posts, Marriage and loveBethany Stedmana picture of God's love, Christian marriage, Geoff Francian, getting married, God's love, guest blog, guest post, images of God's love, love, Love and Marriage, marriage, marriage and God's love, Marriage and love, marriage metaphor, wedding
Complementarianism, Christian Egalitarianism, and some other thoughts...
church and worship, Family, Lent, Marriage and love, Thoughts on RelationshipsBethany Stedmanauthority, Christian marriage, church, complemendarianism, egalitarianism, Ephesians 5, equality, headship, husband, leadership, marriage, men and women, roles in marriage, serve, submit, wife
Quotes on love and marriage for Valentine's Day
Marriage and love, Special Days (Holidays), Thoughts on RelationshipsBethany StedmanChristian marriage, couple, couples, husband, love, marriage, married, relationship, spouse, valentine, Valentine's Day, wife
Lent and Valentine's Day
Lent, Marriage and love, Special Days (Holidays)Bethany Stedmanbrokeness, Christian marriage, Lent, love, marriage, marriage sacrament, repentance, restored relationship, valentine, Valentine's Day, wholeness