“I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say. ”
— Flannery O'Connor
A Random General Life Update
blogging, life in Prague, Personal disclosuresBethany Stedmanblogging, life update, marriage, mothering, my life, personal, Prague, state of my life, state of the blog, traveling, update
Versatile Blogger Award
blogging, recomendations & l...Bethany Stedmanaward, blog, blog award, blogging, blogging award, blogs, blogs I like, blogs to read, links, links and recommendations, recommendations, recommendations and links, versatile blogger award
Summer Blogging Plan
blogging, randomBethany StedmanAugust, August love month, August marriage month, blog plan, blogging, July, love and marriage month, summer, summer blogging plan, summer plan
Admiration Mondays: Jenny at Nourished Kitchen
Admiration Mondays, FoodBethany StedmanAdmiration Mondays, blogger, bloggers, blogging, Jenny at Nourished Kitchen, Nourished Kitchen, nourishedkitchen-com, people I admire, real food, real food movement, recommendations, traditional food, traditional food movement