“I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say. ”
— Flannery O'Connor
A Country Called Cancer
On Anxiety, Anger, and Trust
Conversations with God, Melanoma, thoughts on ChristianityBethany Stedmananxiety, Cancer, dark night, dark night of the soul, fear, God's trustworthiness, hospital, melanoma, surrender, trust, trusting God through cancer, worry
Politics, Fear, and Third Party Canidates
Love and Fear Dance Together
Conversations with God, metaphors for life, prayer, quotes/verses/sayings, recomendations & l..., thoughts on Christianity, Thoughts on RelationshipsBethany Stedmana picture of God's love, be love, Christian immigration, Christian response to immigration, Christianity and immigration, Christine Sine, dance, fear, fear and love, fear and love dance, God is love, God's love drives out fear, immigration, in God is love, love, love and fear, love and fear dance, loving, loving people, perfect love drives out fear, reach out in love, speak out in love