Winter Rhythm and Trusting God
Advent, rhythm, WinterBethany Stedmanblossom, busy at Christmas, busy in December, December's always busy, don't have to produce fruit, grow, produce fruit, put down roots, rest, rhythm, rhythm of the seasons, sabbath, seasonal depression, slow down, slow down in winter, slowing down, slowing down is trusting God, too busy, trust, trusting God, winter, winter is a time to reflect, winter is a time to rest, winter is a time to slow down, winters rhythm
Moving Towards True Being: The long Process of Maturity
quotes/verses/sayings, SynchroBlog, thoughts on ChristianityBethany Stedmanadult, adulthood, becoming, becoming our true selves, development, freedom, grow, growing up, grown up, Maturity, spiritual formation, spiritual maturity, surrender, SynchroBlog, true self
September 17th SynchroBlog: Maturity