“I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say. ”
— Flannery O'Connor
Links to Read with Your Morning Coffee...
recomendations & l...Bethany Stedmanchurch, cooking, Health, healthy recipes, introvert, links, local church, pastors, pastors salary, PhotogenX, photography, recipes
Roundup From Around The Web: Extreme! :)
recomendations & l...Bethany Stedmanauthority, blog hopping, challenging discussions, church planting, climate change, consumption fast, creativity, developing nations, ecclesia, female referee, follow Jesus, green technologies, greentech, Heaven, history, hospitality, intersting thoughts, intersting videos, introvert, Isolation, law, missional orders, myths, N-T- Wright, radical hospitality, stories, suburb, suburban condition, TED, videos, women