Poem for Sage on her birthday

When Sage turned two I tried my hand at spoken word poetry. It’s not something I had ever done before that, and I’ve only played with it a little bit since. But, I think about that poem almost every year as she gets older.

This week, when Sage turned eight I decided to go back and do a bit of editing and revision on that old piece of poetry.

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Bethany Stedman
Will you join us by sharing WHEELS4SAGE with your community?

Organizing this auction to raise money for a wheelchair accessible van for Sage feels like a worthy challenge. It’s something I’ve never done before and I’m not sure how it will go, so of course there’s some fear, but also so much hope. You all have responded with such resounding enthusiasm, making me hopeful for what’s to come.

So, here’s how you can help make this auction a success for Sage:

Share. Share. Share.

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