Yoga and Prayer: Breathe in, Breathe out
Today is another Thursday and that means I led a group of women in a yoga and prayer time again this today. You can see what we did last week, here. This week we focused on our breath. So often we don’t even realize the influence our breathing has over our health and well being. Even our attitudes and emotions can change through our breathing. Take a second and try to speed up your breathing – take quick shallow breaths. How does it make you feel? Hurried, stressed, anxious, nervous, fearful? Now, slow your breathing down. Take a few deep, calm, cleansing breaths, filling your body with fresh life giving air. How does that make you feel? Better?
So often as we hurry about our day we allow our breathing to become shallow and stunted. We don’t slow down enough to pay attention. During yoga today we slowed down and we paid attention to our breathing. We noticed subtle changes in our breath as we moved and we did some pranayama (breathing exercises) to engage our breath. Most of all we focused on when and how we breathed in and when and how we breathed out.
We listened to Brian Eno Ambient 1: Music for Airports
throughout our time today.
Yoga and Prayer: Breathe in, Breathe out
“Breathe in the breath of God Breathe out your cares and concerns Breathe in the love of God Breathe out your doubts and despairs Breathe in the life of God Breathe out your fears and frustrations We sit quietly before the One who gives life and love to all creation, We sit in awe of the One who formed us in our mother’s wombs, We sit at peace surrounded by the One who fills every fiber of our being. Breathe in the breath of God Breathe out your tensions and turmoil Breathe in the love of God Breathe out your haste and hurry Breath in the life of God Breathe out your work and worry We sit quietly before the One who gives life and love to all creation, We sit quietly in awe of the One who formed us in our mother’s wombs, We sit at peace surrounded by the One who fills every fiber of our being.” (written by Christine Sine)
Downward facing dog on an inhale
Plank pose on an exhale
(Repeat downward facing dog and plank 3 times – moving smoothly from one to the other as you breathe)
(Repeat mountain pose and upward salute 3 times)
Upward Salute on an inhale
Mountain pose on an exhale
Eagle Pose (without crossing the legs)
Upward Salute on an inhale
Mountain pose on an exhale
Gate Pose on both sides
Bharadvaja’s Twist (twisting to the right)
Half Lord of the Fishes with the left leg over the right
Bharadvaja’s Twist (twisting to the left)
Half Lord of the Fishes Pose with right leg over left
Bridge pose (dynamic – moving up into bridge pose on the inhale and down again on the exhale)
Knees-to-chest pose
Breathe on us Breath of God Breath for us Breath of Life Fill our Lungs with life Fill our Beings with Love Remove from us all guilt and shame Fill our Hearts with Grace Fill our Beings with Love Remove from us all fear and distrust Fill our Minds with Truth Fill our Beings with Love Remove from us all discouragement and discontentment Fill our Bodies with Rest Fill our Beings with love Remove from us all stress and worry We Breath in that which is of Life We Breath out that which is of Death Breathe on us Breath of God Breath for us Breath of Life
“The man who lives from God’s breath can recognize with joy that the same breath sinks into the lungs of his fellowman, and that they are both drawing from the same source. At this mutual realization, the fear of another disappears, a smile comes to the lips, the weapons fall, and one hand reaches out for the other. He who recognizes the breath of God in another can truly let another enter his life, too, and can receive the gifts which are given to him.” Henri Nouwen, With Open Hands
Peace be with you.
Rejoicing in the journey - Bethany Stedman