“I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say. ”
— Flannery O'Connor
Two-Part Invention
Book review, Marriage and love, Personal disclosures, prayer, quotes/verses/sayingsBethany Stedmanauthor, Book review, Cancer, cry, crying, Madeleine L'Engle, melanoma, motherhood, prayer, Two-Part Invention, write, writer, writing
Yoga and Prayer: Breathe in, Breathe out
Health, YogaBethany Stedmanbody prayers, breath, breathe, breathing, breathing prayer, Christian yoga, Health, healthy, Prague yoga, prayer, praying with your body, women's yoga, worship through yoga, yoga, Yoga, yoga and prayer, yoga and worship, yoga practice, yoga routine
Mother's Day
history, motherhood, parenting, Special Days (Holidays)Bethany Stedmancompassion, history of mothers day, Julia Ward Howe, mom, mommy, mother's day, motherhood, mothering, mothers, parenting, peace, peace movement, peaceful, pray, prayer, praying for my son
Great Things People Gave me when I had a Baby
motherhood, parenting, pregnancy, recomendations & l...Bethany Stedmanbaby books, baby carrier, baby gifts, baby shower, baby shower gifts, blessing, board books, Books, cloth diapers, diaper bag, encouragement, gifts, mom, mommy, mother, motherhood, mothering, new mom, new mommy, prayer, pregnancy, pregnant, recommendations, stroller, stuff and things