“I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say. ”
— Flannery O'Connor
...And Also Weary
Lent Begins with Listening to Where God is Leading...
Ash Wednesday, church seasons, LentBethany StedmanAsh Wednesday, Christ, christian calendar, christian seasons, church calendar, church seasons, control, discipline, I am the vine, Jesus, Lent, Lenten season, listening to God, remain, surrender
Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas: O Rex Gentium
Advent, ChristmasBethany StedmanAdvent, advent prayer, Christmas, Christmas prayer, church calendar, church traditions, Jesus, Kind of the Nations, litergy, liturgical prayer, liturgical prayer for advent, liturgy, liturgy for Advent, liturgy for Christmas, O Antiphon, O Antiphons, O Rex Gentium, prayer, prayer for Advent, prayer for Christmas, prepare for Christ's coming, prepare your heart for Advent, prepare your heart for Christmas, preparing for Christmas, preparing our hearts for Advent, preparing our hearts for Christmas
Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas: O Radix Jesse
Advent, ChristmasBethany StedmanAdvent, advent prayer, antiphon, Christmas, Christmas is coming, Christmas prayer, church traditions, getting our hearts ready for Christmas, Jesus, Jesus is coming, Jesus is the root of Jesse, litergy, liturgical prayer, liturgical prayer for advent, liturgical prayer for Christmas, liturgy, O Antiphon, O Antiphons, O Radix Jesse, prayer, praying for Christ's coming, preparing for Christmas, preparing our hearts for Christ's coming, preparing our hearts for Christmas, Root of Jesse