Lent Begins with Listening to Where God is Leading...
Ash Wednesday, church seasons, LentBethany StedmanAsh Wednesday, Christ, christian calendar, christian seasons, church calendar, church seasons, control, discipline, I am the vine, Jesus, Lent, Lenten season, listening to God, remain, surrender
Advent is Coming
Advent, Christmas, church seasonsBethany StedmanAdvent, advent art exhibit, anticipating Christ's coming, anticipating Christmas, art exhibit, celebrating advent, celebrating light, Christ is come, Christ is coming, Christmas, church calendar, church seasons, coming back of light, entering into Advent, growing light, Jesus, Jesus is the light, Jesus' birth, life-light, light, light art exhibit, light is coming, preparing for Christmas
The Story-Formed Calendar
church and worship, church seasons, Jesus, recomendations & l...Bethany StedmanAdvent, calendar, Christmas, church calendar, church seasons, church year, Easter, Epiphany, Lent, liturgical worship, new year, Pentecost, story, story formed, storying, Tara Malouf, year
Experiencing the Church Seasons Through Art
Advent, church seasons, crazy schemes/ideas, life in PragueBethany StedmanAdvent, art, art exhibit, Christmas, church, church calendar, church seasons, crazy schemes/ideas, experiencing God, idea, Lent, Prague, Prague church, Praha, storying