“I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say. ”
— Flannery O'Connor
Posts tagged Christ is coming
Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas
Advent, ChristmasBethany StedmanAdvent, advent liturgical prayer, advent liturgy, antiphons, Christ is coming, Christmas, church traditions, come Lord Jesus, Emmanuel, evening prayers, form prayer for advent, God come to us, God with us, Jesus, Jesus is wisdom, litergy, liturgical prayer for advent, liturgical prayers, liturgy, O Antiphons, O Come O Come Emmanuel, O come Thou Wisdom, O Sapientia, O Wisdom, prayer, Sapientia, vespers, waiting for God to come, wisdom
Advent is Coming
Advent, Christmas, church seasonsBethany StedmanAdvent, advent art exhibit, anticipating Christ's coming, anticipating Christmas, art exhibit, celebrating advent, celebrating light, Christ is come, Christ is coming, Christmas, church calendar, church seasons, coming back of light, entering into Advent, growing light, Jesus, Jesus is the light, Jesus' birth, life-light, light, light art exhibit, light is coming, preparing for Christmas
And all will be made right...
AdventBethany Stedmana little child will lead them, Advent, advent musings, advent thoughts, Advent's hope, all is not well, all will be made right, Christ has come, Christ is coming, Christmas, Christmas depression, Christmas time, hope comes softly, hope of advent, human trafficking, human trafficking in Prague, Isaiah 11:6-9, the wolf will live with the lamb, the world is not right, there is no peace on earth