Enjoy the best baklava I’ve ever had

Sage’s grandma, Lisa, is an outstanding cook. A few years ago she opened a company selling baklava to restaurants and for order online. It was a lot of work and she doesn’t do it anymore, but she’s agreed to “come out of baklava retirement” just for this auction.

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If you’ve ever tasted Lisa’s baklava you know that this is a big deal! 

I sort of feel like I don’t have to say much about this one because I know there’s enough people I can already think of off the top of my head who are going to jump on this item. Here’s the really exciting thing with this one…

There isn’t just one highest bidder for this item. 

The top four highest bidders will ALL get 12 pieces of baklava each. So, jump on in and don’t worry too much if you’re not in the lead, as long as you’re in the top four you’ll soon be enjoying this flaky, sweet treat. 

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Valued at $26 for twelve pieces
No minimum bid
Buyer pays shipping
US bidders only