Find your new favorite Methodical Coffee

There are few people we know with as much entrepreneurial spirit as David and Sarah Baker. There are also few people we know as quick or willing to help anyone in need as the Bakers. They are genuinely compassionate and kindhearted, with incredible drive, work-ethic, taste, and creative ingenuity. They have a gift for connecting people. They are some of our favorite people on the planet and we met a lot of our other favorites through them. 


So, when we heard they were opening a coffee shop in South Carolina, we of course hopped on a plane and flew out to see it for ourselves. In fact, I think it’s the only trip Bryan and I have taken by ourselves, without kids, that was just for fun (and not for a doctors appointment, treatment, or obligation) in the past decade since having children. It was amazing and so worth it!

Methodical is everything I would dream for a coffee shop to be. It’s beautiful, with a serene yet inviting atmosphere and little touches that make it truly stand out from the crowd. Bryan and I love good coffee and we’ve tried a lot of amazing third-wave coffee places, but I still dream about the cup of coffee I had when we were at Methodical visiting the Bakers. 

After being open only a short time, Methodical expanded and started roasting their own beans. Everything about Methodical coffee is done with methodical excellence and an eye for details — from the beautiful packaging designed by a local artist, to the perfectly roasted beans. The first time we ordered coffee beans from them I had to pull out my phone and take pictures, because it was almost too pretty to open. 

David was the very first person to jump on board with this idea when I told him.

This variety pack will include 3 bags of the roaster three current favorites.

So, get ready to find your new favorite coffee and help Sage get her wheelchair accessible van. 

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Valued at $60 total
No minimum bid
US bidders only
Methodical will cover shipping

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